As already mentioned, there is no scriptural evidence for the saints to seek multiple fillings of the Holy Spirit. So if it is unscriptural, why do so many believers seek after it? The answer lies in the physical manifestations that can accompany the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In a previous section we established that there was one manifestation that was consistent in every account of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which was the gift of speaking in tongues. Once the saints have received the gift of tongues however, they do not seek to be filled again so that they can speak in tongues, because they already have that gift given to them and can use it whenever they choose. We also saw however that the Spirit did specify another manifestation in one instance, which was the spiritual gift of prophecy. Thus the Spirit implied that it is scriptural for the saints to seek spiritual gifts through encounters with the Holy Spirit (although it must be emphasized that most believers will only receive one spiritual gift). Other manifestations such as laughter however, were only implied in these encounters, but were not specifically mentioned, as prophecy was. And so, if these manifestations were recorded in scripture then it would be entirely scriptural for the saints to seek them just as they can seek after spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1). Because these other manifestations are not recorded in scripture however, it is therefore unscriptural for the saints to seek them through encounters with the Holy Spirit. People crave the supernatural however, and so when they have been exposed to these manifestations they will continue to seek them unless they are taught correctly.
Michael E.B. Maher