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For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
My Testimony
I was born again at the age of twenty two. I had just recently been married and something began to impress on me, to start looking for more meaning to life. I felt that I needed to become more responsible, and so I started looking. I now know that I was looking because Christians that I knew, were praying for my salvation. I read a couple of mystic books, but nothing I read made any impact on me. The Christians that I knew, invited me to their church one evening, and I went along to please them. But I was not interested in church, as I had grown up in the Roman Catholic Church, and found church services to be very dull and boring. I remember nothing of the church service that evening, except the part when the minister gave what I now know was the alter call, at the end of the service. He asked if there was anyone in the service who wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that they should put their hands up while the rest of the congregation where praying. I do not know why, but I just knew that I needed to put my hand up and accept Jesus as my Lord. My pride got in the way however, because I felt that if I put my hand up, that those I had come to the meeting with who were not Christians would look down on me, so I ignored the urge and left the service when it ended. I never thought of this incident again. A while later one of the same group of Christians, gave me a book to read that she said I would enjoy, as it was about a young man who had been a Roman Catholic and had found Jesus. To be polite I said that I would read it. I was an auditor serving articles at the time, and I took this book with me to work. During my lunch hour I was reading this book, and I reached a part in the book where the author was relating how he had given his heart to Jesus and subsequently found out that all of his friends that he had grown up with, had given their hearts to the Lord as well. They were all amazed at how the Lord had brought each one of them into the kingdom of God over the preceding number of years. Something in this passage just seemed real to me, as I too had grown up with a group of friends and we had gone through school together, and university together. And so I lent back in my chair and looked up to the ceiling, and said “Lord, if this is real then I want it”. I fully expected to then lean forward, and continue reading the book. But what happened next shocked me. The moment I said those words, a power (it was as if something poured over me) just fell on me, and I got a huge fright. I knew instantly that I had been born again, just as the writer of the book had described, and I burst into tears, but they were tears of joy. I remember saying to the Lord through my tears, that I now knew that heaven was in fact real and not a fairy tale, as I had always thought. My life changed instantly from that moment in a number of ways, and it was all the Lord’s doing, as I made no conscious effort to make those changes. I used to curse and swear as part of my natural speech, and thought nothing of it. But from the moment I was born again, I couldn't curse or swear anymore and I had absolutely no desire to do so ever again. Friends and family immediately noticed the change in me, and I couldn't stop telling people about Jesus and what He had done for me. I have had numerous experiences with the Lord since I was saved, and I have grown in my walk with Him. Over all this time I remain as sure as I did on that day when I was born again, that I am His child and that I will go to be with Him (to the reality of heaven), when my time on this earth comes to an end.To Jesus Christ our Lord be all the glory.Michael E.B. MaherIf you believe, you can receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, by praying this prayer.Dear Heavenly Father,I come to You in the Name of Jesus.Your Word says, “the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37), so I know You won’t cast me out, but You take me in and I thank You for it. You said in Your Word, "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13). I am calling on Your Name, so I know that You save me right now. You also said, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (10) For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). I believe in my heart Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was raised from the dead for my justification, and I confess Him now as my Lord. Because Your Word says, “with the heart one believes unto righteousness,” and I do believe with my heart, I have now become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21) . . .And I am now saved!Thank You, Lord!Welcome to the family of God. Now that you are His child you need to read your bible (especially the New Testament) daily, spend time in prayer daily and join a local church that will teach you to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, so that you can grow spiritually. You also need to tell others how Jesus has saved you so that they too can be saved.
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