Spiritual prayer causes spiritual growth
Daily Bible Teaching
Be inspired and uplifted each day as you receive insight into God's Word
Inaction deceives believers
Spiritual growth and natural growth are similar
Meditation facilitates understanding
Having ears that hear
Spiritual growth is linked to mind renewal
Transition from babe to maturity
Strong spirits display spiritual fruit
Behaviour displays spiritual growth
Why few grow strong in spirit
The importance of spiritual worship
Our spirits understand tongues
Our spirit uses our vocal chords
Don’t make decisions without the internal witness
The difference between the spirit and letter of the law
The born again spirit is a safe guide
Our minds are playing catch up with our spirits
The born again spirit is taught by God
The born again spirit has spiritual understanding
The born again spirit only produces good fruit
The born again spirit is incorruptible
Those in darkness have a propensity for sin
The human spirit is either light or darkness
The human spirit is an eternal creation