In this next section we will discuss the fourth evidence that helps us to identify supernatural manifestations that are not the work of the Holy Spirit, which is the absence of faith. Faith is required for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be manifested among the saints, but that is not the case with regards to supernatural manifestations that are the work of unclean spirits. The Christian walk is a walk of faith, for it is written that the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). In other words, there is nothing that we can receive from the Lord, including supernatural manifestations, except by faith (James 1:6-7). There are going to be exceptions to this principle however, as God does act in His sovereignty from time to time, but this will always be the exception and not the rule. God baptising the gentiles with the Holy Spirit in the home of Cornelius would be an example of God acting in His sovereignty (Acts 10:44).
Michael E.B. Maher