And then there is the even more disturbing aspect to this type of demonic manifestation, which is when the person laying hands on the individual is the one who themselves has a demon. And so, when that person lays their hands on the individual being prayed for, they impart a similar spirit to that individual, and that spirit then causes the individual to begin convulsing. In these instances the person laying hands will obviously do nothing about it because they are convinced that this is the work of the Holy Spirit. And so the individual who is prayed for leaves the meeting with a demon that they didn’t have before. Some of the more common demonic displays of convulsions in this area are; involuntary spasms of doubling over accompanied by some sort of groaning sound, involuntary jerking of the head with some sort of exclamation sound and also violent shaking of the head. This type of unclean spirit is relatively sophisticated and has an agenda to deceive believers, and so all of these convulsive displays are normally only manifested in Christian meetings, to give the impression to those who are undiscerning, that this is the anointing of the Holy Spirit being made manifest. Hence it is, as we discussed earlier, that many false prophets display these types of manifestations when they minister in their meetings. False prophets very often endorse the ministries of other false prophets, but it does not end there, for sadly many genuine ministers of the gospel are undiscerning in these areas, and are themselves deluded by these manifestations, even endorsing them and the false prophets that display them. Sadly because of the endorsement of various ministers, many immature believers flock to the meetings of these false prophets, desiring to have those lay hands on them, and thus come away from their meetings having received a similar unclean spirit. I personally know of believers, even some ministers, which display some of these manifestations and are convinced that it is a display of the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is upon them and they would be offended if you tried to show them otherwise. In all instances, I have observed those same people over time, straying further and further away from sound doctrine, as the demon is able to exert more and more influence on their thinking.
Michael E.B. Maher