Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Just as God is the one who forms nations and decides what their borders will be, so it is that God is the one who decides who will govern those nations and what forms of government each nation will have. The Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul makes this particular truth very clear to us in the above quoted passage of scripture. A number of Christians have a hard time with this particular truth, for they look at the many corrupt governments that they see around the world today and ask how it is possible that God could allow such corrupt individuals to govern those nations. In order for us to understand that concept we also need to understand that there is no government in this life that is completely free from corruption, and even the most transparent societies in the earth today still experience some forms of corruption in their governments. The reason for that is simply because this world is in a fallen state in which injustice and unrighteousness prevails, and so God deals with each nation accordingly. Someone once said that every nation gets the government that it deserves, and there is a lot of truth to that statement, for if you examine the nations that have extremely corrupt governments you will find that the majority of the citizens of those nations are just as corrupt. On the other hand, it can also be said that nations in which the majority of their citizens display high moral standards will have governments that reflect those same standards. In this series we are concentrating mainly on heads of state to illustrate how God raises up, and deals with the governments of the nations. Nevertheless we must bear in mind that the biblical principles we discuss here are not only for heads of state but are also applicable to every government official in a nation, for the scripture plainly declares that every authority that exists has been appointed by God, which would include even local mayors and councillors for example.
Michael E.B. Maher