The spirit of man is actually the primary part of the inward man and as we have already seen, it is this part of the inward man that is born-again. The apostle Paul confirms this truth when he teaches us that the saints become new creations in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). The spirit of man is located in the centre of man i.e. the area of the abdomen, for it is from this region of man i.e. the belly of man that the rivers of living water flow out of the man. The Lord Jesus taught us that truth when He spoke about the baptism if the Holy Spirit while teaching in the temple (John 7:38).
The Sprit of Man
The above diagram is an illustration of the various parts of the spirit of man and how they function in relation to the rest of man’s makeup. As we can see from this diagram, the spirit works through the mind of man in order to exert its influence on both the will and the body of man. This concept will become clearer as we discuss the spirit in more detail in this series. We can also see from this diagram that the spirit can actually be divided into two separate parts i.e. the spirit and the understanding of the spirit. These two components of man’s spirit will be explained in detail in the section that deals with the born-again spirit. I have shown the Holy Spirit in this diagram just to highlight the fact that the Holy Spirit resides in the spirit of the born-again believer.
Michael E.B. Maher