When we look at the destruction of the harlot as recorded in scripture, we see that, “she will be utterly burned with fire”. It is common knowledge that a nuclear explosion produces a deadly fireball at its core which destroys all within its radius. The bible also speaks of all who travel by ship and as many as trade on the sea standing at a distance and crying out when they see the smoke of her burning. Currently the top ten financial centres of the world are all cities that are built around sea ports. It is therefore not inconceivable that those willing to martyr themselves for the Muslim faith could set off nuclear devices in a co-ordinated attack in the harbours of those cities, thus destroying those cities and killing millions. The effect of just one 10-kiloton nuclear device detonating in one of these cities would destroy all buildings within a range of 500 metres, and instantly kill half a million people. Fire, debris and long-term radiation effects would drive the death toll to well over one million. The electromagnetic pulse created by a nuclear weapon would have the added effect of causing significant damage to electronic equipment on which the economies of the world have become thoroughly dependent.
Michael E.B. Maher