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Restoration of Israel’s borders

Writer's picture: Michael E.B. MaherMichael E.B. Maher

So why has the USA been so intent on controlling this region? I’m sure that the US government has defined its own geopolitical reasons for doing so; nevertheless on a spiritual level it is obvious that God has used the USA as His instrument to disrupt Satan’s plan to establish the kingdom of the anti-Christ. As an aside, it is also important to note that God has used the USA to support Israel throughout this period. And so we see that the USA has been one of the obstacles preventing the manifestation of the anti-Christ, for until the US is removed from this region, unity between the ten nations cannot be achieved. Nevertheless as we draw closer to the time of the anti-Christ’s appearance things will begin to change, as the Lord slowly starts dismantling the USA’s hegemony in the region. Some recent examples of the changes that are already taking place are; China’s recently mediated reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran[1]. Russia’s recently mediated reconciliation between Syria and the rest of the Arab states[2]. Russia is also currently working on mediating reconciliation between Syria and Turkey. Saudi Arabia and Yemen have also begun to discuss the cessation of hostilities between those two nations. So why are all these initiatives of reconciliation taking place at this time? One of the reasons is because the USA has become distracted by its current Ukrainian proxy war against Russia, and its planned Taiwanese proxy war against China. It is interesting to note that it is the two superpowers which the USA is attempting to subjugate through said proxy wars i.e. Russia and China, that have been instrumental in bringing about peace and reconciliation to the region in question. And so we see that in the short to medium term the USA will come under increasing pressure to finally leave this region. Nevertheless we can expect to see a certain amount of push back from the USA against those who would try pressuring them to leave. In other words we can expect to see more conflict in this region because the US will not go quietly. The proverbial straw that will finally break the camel’s back however, will be the global nuclear war that will erupt between USA/NATO and Russia/China. Other than to discuss the impact of the global war on the region in question, we will not discuss it in any detail here however, because that topic falls outside the scope of this teaching. Suffice it to say that the USA will lose that war, thus forcing it to finally withdraw what is left of its forces in the region, back to the United States.

So what impact will the global war have on the region in question? The answer to that question hinges on whether or not any of these states will actively participate in said conflict.

I have inserted this paragraph into my initial article based on recent developments in the Middle East. My initial assessment was that the Middle East would remain neutral, but the current conflict that has erupted between Hamas and Israel seems to indicate otherwise. If the current conflict escalates, then the Middle East will almost certainly be engulfed in the coming nuclear disaster. Nevertheless the outcome will remain the same i.e. Israel’s borders will change. My initial article continues after this paragraph.

It is more than likely that most of the Islamic states and Israel will remain neutral in the global conflict. The reason we can say that, is because of the neutral stance that these states have taken in NATO’s current Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. And so it is highly probable that these states will continue to maintain their neutrality, even as the current war in Ukraine ultimately escalates into a full nuclear conflict. The one exception may be Turkey however, although I view this probability as being extremely low. So why do I say that? In the current war between Russia and NATO’s proxy Ukraine, Turkey has neither remained neutral nor has it taken sides. So why has Turkey chosen this course of action? Unlike the rest of the Islamic states and Israel, Turkey is a member of NATO; because of which NATO has placed tremendous pressure on Turkey to join with them in their Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. The problem for Turkey is that they have strong economic ties with Russia, which they would prefer to maintain. And so Turkey has attempted to show support for both sides; by supplying Ukraine with weapons on the one hand and refusing to apply NATO’s sanctions against Russia on the other hand. When the current war finally escalates into a nuclear conflict however, Turkey will no longer be able to maintain its support for both sides. The reason being, that Turkey is one of the nations which houses the USA’s overseas nuclear arsenal. And so if Turkey were to allow the USA to launch its nuclear weapons from Turkish territory against Russia, then Russia would respond by destroying Turkey. The only way for Turkey to avoid such an outcome, would be to declare its neutrality by not allowing the US to use its territory for launching nuclear weapons against Russia. Once Turkey does that, they will effectively renounce their membership of NATO, thus finally opening the door for Turkey to be fully integrated into the alliance of the ten Islamic nations. And so we see that because of the very high probability of their neutrality in the impending global nuclear war, the ten Islamic states and Israel will be spared the devastating destruction and tremendous loss of life that the warring nations will experience.

Zechariah 10:6-10 "I will strengthen the house of Judah, And I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back, because I have mercy on them. They shall be as though I had not cast them aside; for I am the Lord their God, And I will hear them. (7) Those of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as if with wine. Yes, their children shall see it and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the Lord. (8) I will whistle for them and gather them, for I will redeem them; and they shall increase as they once increased. (9) "I will sow them among the peoples, and they shall remember Me in far countries; They shall live, together with their children, And they shall return. (10) I will also bring them back from the land of Egypt, and gather them from Assyria. I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon, until no more room is found for them.”

As a direct consequence of the global war, an important event that we can expect to see taking place in this region is God’s restoration of Israel’s borders. So what do I mean by that statement? If we compare on a modern map, the borders of the current state of Israel with the borders that God originally ordained, then we can clearly see that Israel’s borders must still undergo substantial changes. For example, when God originally declared Israel’s borders to Moses, those borders incorporated the following territories shown on a modern map; the current state of Israel, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the territory of Lebanon (Numbers 34:1-12). And when God declared to Ezekiel what Israel’s borders would be in the last days, those borders again incorporated the following territories shown on a modern map; the current state of Israel, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the territory of Lebanon (Ezekiel 47:13-21). In the above quoted passage of scripture the Lord once again confirms Israel’s borders in the last days, by specifically mentioning His bringing the Jews into the land of Gilead and Lebanon. As at the time of writing of this series, God has restored to Israel the territories of the current state of Israel and the Golan Heights, while the territories of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Lebanon have not yet been restored. So how will God bring about the restoration of the territories still outstanding? The Palestinians and Lebanon are obviously not going to vacate their territories voluntarily. In other words Israel would have to expel them from those territories through the use of military force. Currently Israel has neither the will nor the means to accomplish such a task, but even if they did, the current world order would never sanction those territories being assimilated into the state of Israel. And so we see that before these territories can be added to Israel, God will have to first change both Israel’s disposition and the current world order. That will happen as a result of the global nuclear war which we have already mentioned. One of the major changes which we have already mentioned is that once the USA looses that war they will be forced to completely withdraw from the region. A major consequence of their withdrawal will be the loss of US support for Israel, which will result in Israel becoming isolated. And so it is quite possible that Iran could take advantage of Israel’s isolation, by initiating a proxy war against them using the paramilitary group of Hezbollah based in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank[3]. Because such a war could prove to be existential for Israel, it may force them to use nuclear weapons, specifically in Lebanon. Having just emerged from a global nuclear holocaust, no nation will have the appetite to intervene in response to Israel’s use of nuclear weapons at that time. Nevertheless, whether by nuclear or conventional means, Israel will prevail in such a conflict, resulting in the expulsion of the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and the annexation of Lebanon. In other words God would have finally restored Israel’s borders. And so we see that by that time, the changed world order will be relatively accepting of those territories being assimilated into the state of Israel. Obviously the ten Islamic states will object to Israel’s annexation of these territories, nevertheless they will be reluctant to take any action against Israel, not wanting to provoke a nuclear response from them.

Michael E.B. Maher

Map of Israel’s biblical borders

[1] [2] [3]


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