Now we know that Daniel did not get it wrong when he gave the interpretation to the vision because he was led by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So why is there this apparent contradiction with what is recorded in scripture and historical facts as we know them to be? The reason that there is an apparent contradiction is because we in the natural do not see things as God sees them, for God looks in the realm of the spirit where the dominions that govern this realm exist. When the kingdoms that Daniel spoke of existed on the earth, even though there were other kingdoms on the earth at that time (think of China and South America for example), none of the other kingdoms existing at that time could have challenged the power of the kingdoms God spoke of. And as such they reigned as supreme in the earth. Now bring that concept over into the future when the Anti-Christ will reign on the earth. The fourth kingdom, over which the Anti-Christ will reign at that time, will by far be the most powerful kingdom in the earth. And so because the other kingdoms will not be able to challenge his power, as such he will reign as supreme in the earth.
Michael E.B. Maher