Let me illustrate by means of an example, to show just how close the church has come to the event called the falling away. I was at a Christian men’s breakfast and I was led of the Lord to speak along this line. I knew of a brother in the audience whose church was looking for a pastor. As one of the elders in that church, he was part of their board that were interviewing potential candidates. So in front of everyone, I asked him if his church was still looking for a pastor to fill their vacancy and He obviously replied that they were. I then asked him if their board, in considering candidates for the position, would question those candidates as to what their core beliefs were. In other words, what their personal statement of faith was. My brother in the Lord answered that they most definitely look at what the individual believes when they consider candidates. I said that I would then like to hypothetically, apply for the position and as part of my resume, I would give him three of the core beliefs that I held. And after I had given these statements of faith, would he give an answer as to whether I would be considered for the position of pastor for their church, to which he agreed. I then proceeded to give him my statements of faith.
To be continued …
Michael E.B. Maher