We have seen in the previous section, why it is that God decides who can and cannot be saved. And so, in this section we want to discuss just how God makes and then implements His decision, for God has not hidden that truth from us, but has in fact revealed to us in scripture, just how He does it. Bearing in mind, that the processes we will discuss in this section, God has already completed before time began. Scripture reveals to us, that in His creation of each one of us, God follows a set pattern, and the first step in that pattern, is that God searches us thoroughly to find out if there is any iniquity in us, as was found in Lucifer before he sinned. For we need to understand, that God searches our hearts before we ever sin against Him in this life. In other words, before God forms us, He already knows everything about us, including how each of us will respond to Him with the free will that He gives to us, i.e. our willingness to fellowship with Him, to worship Him and submit to Him, as our God and creator. Again, bearing in mind that God’s interest is to find out how we will respond to Him not only in this life, but also in eternity, for God searches our hearts from eternity. In other words, God also knows how we will respond toward Him in a perfect environment. Michael E.B. Maher