Romans 9:17-18 “For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth." (18) Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.”
God is the one who decides which individual will govern a nation at any given point in time, which simply means that whenever a new head of state is appointed to lead a nation, that appointment is made by God. The Lord very clearly reveals to us in the above quoted passage of scripture, that He is the one who appointed Pharaoh to govern Egypt at that time, and that same principle continues to apply in every nation on the earth today. In most nations transitions from one head of state to the next takes place in a peaceful manner. Nations that are governed by democracies hold elections, and the winner of the election is then appointed as the new head of state until the next election takes place. As an aside, with regards to democracies, God is the one who appoints the various leaders of the opposition parties as well, for invariably they also hold some degree of authority in those nations. And so we see that it is God who predetermines the outcome of election results. Nations that are controlled by authoritarian governments normally hand over power to the new head of state through some form of succession, i.e. when the current head of state either dies or becomes too old to continue governing. In these nations also, God is the one who predetermines who the new successor will be. Not all transitions between heads of state take place in a peaceful manner however, for there are instances when transitions from one head of state to the next takes place in a more violent manner, such as a coup d’état. Very often these coup d’états involve civil wars taking place in those nations. Even in these instances however, God is still the one who orchestrates the change in head of state, and there are numerous accounts in scripture that confirm this particular truth to us, one example of which is when Jehu assassinated Jehoram King of Judah, and then ascended to the throne in his place. This account in scripture clearly shows that God is the one who orchestrated that coup (2 Kings 9:1-37).
Michael E.B. Maher