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Globalist Vaccine Agenda

Writer's picture: Michael E.B. MaherMichael E.B. Maher

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,  (10)  and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  (11) And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, (12) that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”


There was another even more sinister reason for the globalist’s actions in releasing the Covid virus however, which was the global roll out of the experimental Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (MNRA) “vaccines” that they had developed for the virus. Normally a vaccine has to undergo rigorous clinical trials over many years (5 to 10 years) before they get approved for use. The globalists were able to circumvent this requirement however, because they had persuaded all governments to declare state of emergencies in their countries, thus enabling them to administer the MNRA injection, which was developed in less than 1 year, to the global population under the guise of an emergency use authorisation. Emergency use authorisations of vaccines could only be applied however, if there were no viable therapeutic alternatives available, which was another reason why the globalists would not allow any attempts for therapeutic treatments of the virus to take place. And so the goal of the globalists was to inject every person on the planet. The MNRA technology for vaccines has never been used before and is completely experimental. Many medical scientists across the globe recognised the dangers of using this experimental vaccine on the global population and warned against their use; nevertheless these injections began to be rolled out globally in January 2021. It is important to note that the pharmaceutical companies that were used to develop the MNRA injections, refused to supply the nations of the world with their product unless their governments signed contracts giving the pharmaceutical companies full indemnity against any adverse side effects which their populations might suffer. Although the globalists marketed their injections as being safe and effective, the reality is that they are not safe and they are completely ineffective. And so because the injections proved to be completely ineffective, rather than admit that fact, the various governments of the world forced their populations to be injected (boosted) nearly every three months in an attempt to try making them work. Sadly however, the injections also proved to be deadly in their adverse side effects. Because of which, for 2021 in the nations that administered these injections the excess deaths in the younger population groups increased by 40%, whereas the virus itself had caused almost zero deaths among this cohort. A lot of the excess deaths occurred through heart attacks and strokes as the injections produced blood clots in the recipients. And so whereas it was unheard of before, it started becoming more and more common for healthy children, teenagers and young adults to suddenly die within 48 hours to 28 days after receiving the injection. The more boosters they receive the more vulnerable they become to the blood clots forming, causing heart attacks and strokes. As anecdotal evidence of the increase in these events, it is recorded that there was a 500 percent increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths among Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) soccer players in 2021[1]. These are all young healthy athletes who suddenly dropped dead during soccer matches. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), because they had worked together with the pharmaceutical companies in the development of these injections, knew before they approved the MNRA injections for emergency use authorisation, that the injections were ineffective and that they in fact killed people. And so when a group of medical doctors in the USA demanded access to view the clinical trial data, the FDA went to court to try having the data sealed for seventy five years. The said doctors won their case however, and a federal judge ordered that the clinical trial data be released. And so when the data was released it proved that the FDA lied to the American people (and the world) about the safety and effectiveness of the injections. Nevertheless the release of the data had no significant impact, because the media, who were controlled by the globalists, refused to publish the information[2]. When medical scientists began to question the data evidence that was showing the lethality of the injections, the various governments of the world stopped publishing the data, which before the “pandemic” had been freely available. And any medical scientists that spoke out against the narrative to try warn the public about what was going on, were banned from social media and vilified in the mainstream media. And so in their ongoing attempt to dramatically reduce the planet’s population, the governments of the world began mandating that all children, including babies, should be injected, even though they know that the virus has almost zero affect on children. There are a number of reasons why the globalists are doing this. One reason is to continue killing off as much of the global population as possible and their hope is that the long term side affects (including cancer) of the injection will assist in this endeavour. Just how devastating the long term side affects of the injection will be, is unknown at this time, because the “vaccines” are still experimental and their trials were only supposed to end in 2023. And so, much to the delight of the globalists, the populations of the world participated in a giant clinical trial for an experimental “vaccine”. In other words the populations of the world were being treated as the guinea pigs in this experiment, because due to its accelerated roll out (1 year) no animal trials were done for this “vaccine”. Another reason why the globalists insisted that the entire planet must be injected, was to accumulate even more wealth for themselves, as the governments of the world pay them, using tax payer’s money, to inject their populations between three and four times a year. Records show that more people died in 2021 after the injections were rolled out, than in 2020 when there were no injections. Nevertheless, even though the globalists have been relatively successful in implementing their vaccine agenda, they have not been entirely successful; for on average, only about one third of the populations of the participating nations completely believed the globalist propaganda and thus willingly received all the prescribed injections. The remaining two thirds of their populations however, either knew or suspected that their governments and media were not being truthful, and therefore refused to willingly submit themselves to receiving the said injections. And so the various governments and global corporations of the world had to threaten the unwilling cohort with a loss of certain freedoms i.e. travel, being able to go to restaurants, etc, and also with a loss of income by being fired from their places of employment, etc, if they chose not to comply. It was only because of such blatant coercion, that a further one third of their populations were finally “persuaded” to receive the injections. There remains one third however, that have stubbornly refused to be injected, even though it has cost many of them certain freedoms and their means of income. It is important to note however, that it is mainly the “liberal western democracies” of the world that have embraced the globalist MNRA injections. So why is that? The reason is because the globalist attempted genocide is part of God’s judgement on the nations that have willingly embraced the globalist satanic culture, which as we have already seen, is mainly the “liberal western democracies”. Although many nations have started to finally abandon their various vaccine mandates, the damage has already been done however, because one of the predicted adverse side effects of the vaccine is starting to emerge, i.e. there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cancer patients.


Michael E.B. Maher


46 Penguin Road

Pringle Bay

Western Cape


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