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An assassination attempt will be made

Writer's picture: Michael E.B. MaherMichael E.B. Maher

Although Satan has no authority over the Lord’s saints because we have been delivered from his kingdom and conveyed into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus (Colossians 1:13), Satan is still the ruler of this world (John 16:11). And as the ruler of this world he will be able to give the Anti-Christ, his power, his authority, and his kingdom. As part angel himself, the Anti-Christ will have direct contact with Satan (who is also an angel) during his time on the earth. This scripture also reveals to us that an assassination attempt will be made on the Anti-Christ. The assassination attempt will be made at the outset of his global reign on the earth, and it will be that event that will introduce his godlike powers to those dwelling on the earth. The scripture tells us that he will be mortally wounded in that attempt. When one is mortally wounded it means that the wound inflicted upon the person is the cause of the death of that person. In other words one who is mortally wounded always dies as a result of their wound; otherwise the wound would not be mortal. In another passage of scripture it is revealed to us that a sword will be the instrument that will be used to inflict this wound (Revelation 13:14). But remember that the Anti-Christ is part angel, and so he is immortal. The assassination attempt will be made in full view of the public when it happens. When the assassination attempt is made on his life, the wound that is inflicted upon him will be a wound that would always be fatal if inflicted upon a man. And so, all that witness the assassination attempt will fully expect the person of the Anti-Christ to die as a result of the wound inflicted. But instead of his death the miraculous will occur, for his “mortal” wound will be miraculously healed in front of everyone. It is as result of this miracle seen by all, that “all the world will marvel and follow the beast, and they will worship him, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

Michael E.B. Maher


46 Penguin Road

Pringle Bay

Western Cape


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